Friday, June 12, 2015

Small Gold Kikki-k Wallet

Hello Everyone! Hope you all are having an amazing day. Today I want to share with all of you my Kikki-k Gold Small Size that I use as a wallet.
I ordered the small Kikki-k about 7 months ago. I was very excited and happy, because I was starting with pocket size. First I had a Pink Finsbury, then an Ochre Malden and I wanted a Gold Kikki-k so bad, I ended buying it. But when I received these beauty I was very sad when I saw the rings. The difference between the small Kikki-k rings and a Filofax is very big.
I ended up using these beauty as my wallet and I love it. I've been using it since then, and its been working excellent.
Here is a video showing you how I have it set up.
Hope you Enjoy! 

If you cant watch the video, please click HERE.

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